Hello and welcome to Alphabet Lanes!!

Alphabet Lanes Nursery and Pre-school is a co-operative team that listens and communicates in the most beneficial way; by being a reliable hard working team.

About Toni

Our lead professional and founder of Alphabet Lanes is Toni Eastmond, she has been an early years teacher for over five years. Toni has worked in preschools, nurseries and as a Children’s Centre Manager for over 10 years, earning a wealth of knowledge. Toni has trained as an early years Ofsted Inspector and has future plans to embark on a Masters in Early Childhood Studies.

Has been involved in research projects regarding early years and enjoys keeping up to date with what is new in education by visiting early years conventions and working on her early year’s charity: Educational Lanes Trust.

Has been working in cooperation with secondary schools in the area to encourage young people to work in early years. Her recent work with Norwood school lead to her having a talk with children from certain year groups about being an advocate for education.


Alphabet Lanes started in 2012 with a free group for young mothers in the West Norwood area by providing a free early years activity group. The sessions were funded by the Big Lottery and were used to support parents and carers to play with their children and encourage positive parenting. The group later developed into a full time early years provision.

Our pre-school has been featured in Lambeth’s “Lets talk Apprentices” newsletter, for our dedication to and with apprentices. We are a well-connected setting and regularly use surrounding area to teach children about the community.

Our Nursery

Our nursery is a social enterprise, we donate a substantial amount of our profit is to a charity that supports families and children. We encourage learning of all ages in our setting, so some of the best students from university and college come to train, work or receive mentoring from our Early Years Professional Toni Eastmond. We aim to be a flag-ship of excellence that creates educational trends and sets new heights for early education now and in the future.

However this is no easy fate, we need you! We believe in working closely with our parents and carers we know that this helps us to provide the best care/education for your child.

‘Parents are children’s first and most enduring educators. When parents and practitioners work together in early years settings, the results have a positive impact on children’s learning and development.’ EYFS (2007)